Vernal Pool Workshop
Restoration Projects
Streambank Stabilization & Wildlife Habitat Slideshow
NoTill Drill Demonstration
Demonstration event
The Coos Country Conservation District hosted a demonstration in Columbia last Wednesday of a 10-foot Great Plains No Till Drill 1006NT, pulled by Scott Deblois so participants could see it in action.
No-till farming practices keep the soil structure intact-enabling it to absorb more water and handle heavy rain as well as decreases erosion and supports trillions of microbes in the soil. (Jake Mardin photo)
A no-till drill similar to the one used here is available for rental through our rental program. For more information, visit the Drill page here.
View the short demonstration video here.
Soil Health Initiative
Soil Health Workshop
Farmers interested in learning more about ways to improve the productivity of your soil should visit the NH Soil Health website Producers interested in cover crops should sign up by March 15, you will be put on a contact list to receive updated information about cover crop trials, seed mixes, dates.
No-Till Corn Planter Rentals and Retrofits equipment availability, click here for more information and signup. We’ve Got It Covered! Already using cover crops? This campaign seeks to assist farmers in getting recognition for the good cover cropping already being implemented on farms. These signs are available in your local NRCS, Conservation District or Cooperative Extension Office.
Who We Are
We are a group of technical service providers from NRCS,
NH Association of Conservation Districts (NHACD),
County Conservation Districts across the state,
Granite State Graziers, and UNH Cooperative Extension
Erosion Control Field Day
Training opportunity
Training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, consulting, and septic designers & installers.
Topics for the day were:
- Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control on Small Construction Sites
- Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control
- Three Dimensional Slope Stabilization Project Review
- Proper Culvert Installation & Maintenance
- Soil Amendments
- Underground Storm Water Storage
- Perimeter Sediment Control
- Shoreline Stabilization Using Gabion Baskets
- Pollinator Habitats, Native Plant Species, Invasive Species
Continuing Education Credits, available for these workshops
– NH Department of Environmental Services, DES Subsurface designers & installers.
– EnviroCert International, Professional Development Hours
– VT Department of Environmental Conservation, non-soil credits