Local Working Groups Meeting
The locally-led conservation effort is the foundation of the United
States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) conservation program
delivery process. The local work group supports the locally-led
conservation effort by coordinating USDA programs with other
Federal, State, Tribal, and local conservation programs to provide an
integrated solution to addressing natural resource concerns.
What is the Purpose of the Local Work Groups?
Local working groups provide recommendations on local natural
resource priorities and criteria for USDA conservation activities and
programs. Convened by the local conservation district, the local work
group responsibilities include:
• Develop a conservation needs assessment identifying broad
conservation goals to solve natural resource problems;
• Identify priority resource concerns that can be addressed by
USDA programs;
• Recommend USDA conservation program application and
funding criteria, eligible practices (including limits on practice
payments or units), and payment rates;
• Assist NRCS and the conservation district with public outreach
and information efforts;
• Identify educational and producers’ training needs; and,
• Recommend program policy to the State Technical Advisory
Committee based on resource data.
Who is eligible to participate?
Local working group membership should be diverse and focus on
agricultural interests and natural resource issues existing in the local
community. Membership should include agricultural producers
representing the variety of crops, livestock, and poultry raised within
the local area; owners of nonindustrial private forest land, as
appropriate; representatives of agricultural and environmental
organizations; and representatives of governmental agencies
carrying out agricultural and natural resource conservation programs
and activities.
If you would like to attend the Local Working Groups Meeting partnered with NRCS, please call the Coos County Conservation District Manager at: 603-503-9014 or email at: [email protected].
Thank you!
Date(s) - March 19, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm