North Country Conservation Series Podcast
Hosted by Whitney Lewis. Exploring local conservation careers in Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries, Soil Science, Conservation Law Enforcement, Agriculture and more. Discover what conservation is, and why it is important as we look toward the future.
Whitney Lewis hosts 6 in-studio guests for the first three episodes of a conversation about how they began in their field. Guests include:
Andy Schaefermeyer – Fisheries Biologist with NH Fish & Game
Dave Falkenham – Forest Manager with Landvest in NH & VT
Wayne Saunders – Ret. Conservation Officer, Host Warden’s Watch Podcast
And More!
North Country High Tunnel Series
With increased awareness of local food sources and interest in growing food for your family, NH Conservation Districts, NRCS and UNH Extension are partnering to bring you the information needed to grow like a pro in a season – with an extension high tunnel. If you would like to sign up for the zoom series please email the Coos County Conservation District Manager Whitney Lewis at: [email protected]. Check out the brochure below for more information on the sessions!
Erosion Control
“A little bit of dirt never hurt anybody,” but a little bit from a jobsite multiplied by the hundreds of jobsites in a watershed can add up quickly. Soil erosion has the potential to harm our drinking water resources, fish and wildlife resources, and even effect how much treatment wastewater must receive.
Erosion Control has changed dramatically over the years and new technologies are constantly in development. Use this workshop offered every other year to help you stay current on useful practices. This full day training will incorporate both classroom sessions and outdoor, hands-on demonstrations in small group settings. Subsurface credits from NH DES are offered for septic installers and designers. The reporting system has now updated, please be sure to report your credits to DES!

School Programs
Woods Day
Each year around Earth Day, we plan a fun day in the Woods for elementary students in central Coös. They are able to meet conservation professionals working within the county and learn about soil science, wildlife habitat and management, forestry, map and compass, wildlife firefighting, invasives, and conserving & preserving New Hampshire’s natural resources! This past year we were delighted to have presenters from NH Fish & Game, NH Forest & Lands, UNH Cooperative Extension, and the local Fire Department.
100% of the teachers who participated would recommend this event to other Coös County Schools!
Post Program Survey Results
100% of teachers were very satisfied with the program and how the content was informative for students.
80% of the teachers learned NEW content from the presenters that they did NOT know beforehand.
When asked, “If the Coös County Conservation District were to receive a Tillotson Grant to support conservation education programs with local Coös County-based conservation professionals, would you be interested in having your class/school participate?”
90% said Yes.
10% said Maybe.
It shows there is a want and a need for teachers and students to learn more about conservation education in our county!
A Look to the Future
When asked, “If the Coös County Conservation District were to receive a Tillotson Grant to support conservation education programs with local Coös County-based conservation professionals, would you be interested in having your class/school participate?”
90% said Yes.
10% said Maybe.
It shows there is a want and a need for teachers and students to learn more about conservation education in our county!
Teacher Feedback on Presenters Themselves, and Future Presenter Suggestions:
“All presenters were great!”
The students “loved the fish and game (rescue) search, so having conservation officers and other people protecting our wildlife would be awesome.”
“I would like to see a hunting guide.”
“I would love to see a biologist who can explain how they collect data about different animals/fish in our area.”
Additional Teacher Comments
“It was great to get members from the community involved with the school!”
“It was great, and I hope you continue to do this!”
“Lots of smiles!”
“Wow, this is fun! They loved to be outside!”
Additional Quotes
“I like having professionals in their field teach students their craft. We live in an area that has lots of opportunities for careers in the outdoors and North Country. I believe this day kids learn facts but also broadens future employment horizons.”
Seedlings to Schools
The District Manager and board of supervisors are happy to collaborate with UNH Cooperative Extension to bring seedlings from the NH State Nursery to all elementary schools within Coos County and host short classroom presentations on the importance of forest conservation. Our Chairman, Haven Neal who is a forester has been assisting with this program since ~1985! Thank you, Haven Neal, for continuing to bring seedlings to children of all ages throughout Coos County! It is amazing the multi-generational families that you are reaching and showcasing conservation efforts over the past 39 years!