NoTill Drill Demonstration

Demonstration event

The Coos Country Conservation District hosted a demonstration in Columbia last Wednesday of a 10-foot Great Plains No Till Drill 1006NT, pulled by Scott Deblois so participants could see it in action.


No-till farming practices keep the soil structure intact-enabling it to absorb more water and handle heavy rain as well as decreases erosion and supports trillions of microbes in the soil. (Jake Mardin photo)

A no-till drill similar to the one used here is available for rental through our rental program. For more information, visit the Drill page here.

View the short demonstration video here.

Natural Resources Field Day

Annual Field Day for 5th Graders

The Field Day is on the third Wednesday of May every year and is hosted at CJEJ Farm in Columbia. Students alternate through seven unique outdoor stations with presentations by natural resources professionals

  • NH Fish & Game
  • Forest Management Agencies: Wagner, LandVest and Weyerhaeuser
  • UNH Extension
  • USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Owners/Operators of CJEJ Farm
  • FFA Chapter, Canaan VT

These stations include information about –
aquatic life, wildlife, forestry, livestock,
​agriculture land, soils and farm safety.