Native Plant Nursery

Native Plant Nursery

Native Plant Nursery

The District’s Native Plant Nursery, is a continually growing project. Our native plants, once established, will be available to local, state and private agencies working on conservation, erosion control projects.

We need your help – We have started some plants, grasses, willows, etc. However, we are looking for input, which species work best for you, and what would you like to see available locally for these projects, please let us know. You can send an email to [email protected]

We have been able to create the Nursery with financial support from the ​​​NH State Conservation Committee / Moose Plate Grant Fund.



Soil Health Initiative

Soil Health Workshop

Farmers interested in learning more about ways to improve the productivity of your soil should visit the NH Soil Health website Producers interested in cover crops should sign up by March 15, you will be put on a contact list to receive updated information about cover crop trials, seed mixes, dates.

No-Till Corn Planter Rentals and Retrofits equipment availability, click here for more information and signup. We’ve Got It Covered! Already using cover crops? This campaign seeks to assist farmers in getting recognition for the good cover cropping already being implemented on farms. These signs are available in your local NRCS, Conservation District or Cooperative Extension Office.

Who We Are

We are a group of technical service providers from NRCS,
NH Association of Conservation Districts (NHACD),
County Conservation Districts across the state,
Granite State Graziers, and UNH Cooperative Extension

Streambank Restoration Project

Recent Activity

A several of these projects have been overseen and completed by NRCS. The District helped secure funding for a portion these projects. A before and after picture of a couple of these projects.​

These projects are designed to preserve agriculture lands but stabilizing stream banks and to restore & preserve natural wildlife habitats.