NoTill Drill Demonstration

Demonstration event

The Coos Country Conservation District hosted a demonstration in Columbia last Wednesday of a 10-foot Great Plains No Till Drill 1006NT, pulled by Scott Deblois so participants could see it in action.


No-till farming practices keep the soil structure intact-enabling it to absorb more water and handle heavy rain as well as decreases erosion and supports trillions of microbes in the soil. (Jake Mardin photo)

A no-till drill similar to the one used here is available for rental through our rental program. For more information, visit the Drill page here.

View the short demonstration video here.

Conservation Field Day

​February, 2021

Each year the District holds a Conservation Field Day for the 5th graders from the local valley schools. This Field Day has been occurring for multiple decades with the help from local professionals in NH Fish & Game, UNH Extension, USDA/NRCS, local foresters and farmers, and volunteers.

Students are able to learn about crops and agriculture, safety on the farm, what animals can be raised, the soil horizons, timber harvesting, and what fish/macro invertebrates are found in our streams and rivers. The field day is a true hands on experience for the students!

Here are some of the photos from the Conservation Field Day in May of 2001 that were featured in the Colebrook Chronicle.

Erosion Control Field Day

Training opportunity

Training for professionals working in soils, erosion control, water quality, public works, engineering, roads, planning, consulting, and septic designers & installers.

Topics for the day were:

  • Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control on Small Construction Sites
  • Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control
  • Three Dimensional Slope Stabilization Project Review
  • Proper Culvert Installation & Maintenance
  • Soil Amendments
  • Underground Storm Water Storage
  • Perimeter Sediment Control
  • Shoreline Stabilization Using Gabion Baskets
  • Pollinator Habitats, Native Plant Species, Invasive Species

Continuing Education Credits, available for these workshops

– NH Department of Environmental Services, DES Subsurface designers & installers.
– EnviroCert International, Professional Development Hours
– VT Department of Environmental Conservation, non-soil credits

Streambank Restoration Project

Recent Activity

A several of these projects have been overseen and completed by NRCS. The District helped secure funding for a portion these projects. A before and after picture of a couple of these projects.​

These projects are designed to preserve agriculture lands but stabilizing stream banks and to restore & preserve natural wildlife habitats.