Tree Seedlings for Coös Kids

30 Years Strong

For well over 30 years Coös K-12 kids have received seedlings. This year thanks to Coös County Conservation District and Lancaster Scouts, the event was not canceled due to Covid-19. However, it was done a bit differently. Because Natural Resource volunteers were not able to visit classrooms as they typically would, BSA Troop 219 from Lancaster, and Cub Scouts from pack 219 packaged over 2000 seedling so they could be redistributed to schools throughout the county. Some schools like Colebrook coordinated this with work pick-up day while others delivered seedlings with the school lunch program. Colebrook’s were scheduled to be distributed this morning. Partners including NH State Nursery, Coös County Conservation District and UNH Extension helped make this project possible. Photo Courtesy Boy Scouts Troop 219.

Conservation Field Day

​February, 2021

Each year the District holds a Conservation Field Day for the 5th graders from the local valley schools. This Field Day has been occurring for multiple decades with the help from local professionals in NH Fish & Game, UNH Extension, USDA/NRCS, local foresters and farmers, and volunteers.

Students are able to learn about crops and agriculture, safety on the farm, what animals can be raised, the soil horizons, timber harvesting, and what fish/macro invertebrates are found in our streams and rivers. The field day is a true hands on experience for the students!

Here are some of the photos from the Conservation Field Day in May of 2001 that were featured in the Colebrook Chronicle.

Natural Resources Field Day

Youth Field Day on Natural Resources

May 15th, 2019

Another Great Day on the Farm, in the Field, in the Forest and on the Water!

Thank you to all of the teachers, students, volunteers, presenters and our hosts for participating and making this field day a great event.

See you next year!



Natural Resources Field Day

Annual Field Day for 5th Graders

The Field Day is on the third Wednesday of May every year and is hosted at CJEJ Farm in Columbia. Students alternate through seven unique outdoor stations with presentations by natural resources professionals

  • NH Fish & Game
  • Forest Management Agencies: Wagner, LandVest and Weyerhaeuser
  • UNH Extension
  • USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Owners/Operators of CJEJ Farm
  • FFA Chapter, Canaan VT

These stations include information about –
aquatic life, wildlife, forestry, livestock,
​agriculture land, soils and farm safety.