Visions & Values
Who We Are
The Coös County Conservation District (CCCD) was created in 1946 as a governmental subdivision of the state to provide local leadership and decision making for the protection of the land and water resources of the county. The CCCD represents conservation interest and priorities of the county. As such, the conservation district is fully vested in improving soil health and protecting water quality, and has a long history of managing collaborative projects which promote conservation practices. This includes hosting and promoting numerous education events and workshops throughout the region (such as 5th Grader Natural Resources Field Day, Pollinator Workshops and Soil Erosion Field Days).
This approach to conservation is what has stimulated our success in the years since our establishment as an organization. The CCCD will work with all available sources, public and private, local, state and federal in an effort to develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns.
What We Do
We work closely with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). As well as partner with agencies such as UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Fish & Game and various forest, wildlife and environmental agencies and experts to coordinate local events to provide access to a variety of programs.

Our mission is to coordinate from all available sources public and private, local, state and federal in an effort to develop locally driven solutions to natural resource concerns.
Who We Serve
Our Top Priorities –
- Erosion Control & Sustainability
- Stream Bank Restoration and Wildlife Habitat
- Forestry & Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Land Use and Conservation
- Soil Health
Our Goals –
- Promote and encourage producers to use best management practices for agriculture in order to help maintain the Counties natural resources
- Educate adults and youth in the topics of our priorities
How we can help…
- Set priorities
- Deliver information
- Provide administration, and technical assistance to cooperators, land users, schools and municipalities
- Sponsor projects
- Administer grants
- Work with local, state and federal agencies to deliver technical assistance
- Educate adults and youth on conservation
We encourage children of all ages to have fun and get to know their environment with activities such as:
- Educational Materials
- Coloring books
- Soil Education (K-12, and beyond)
- Envirothon
- Soil Judging
- Annual Natural Resources Field Day
USDA / Natural Resources Conservation Service
- 2018 Farm Bill
- Fish & Wildlife
- Water Quality
- Erosion
- Conservation Easements
- Web Soil Survey
- NH Soil Health
County Soil Health equipment for loan or rent –
High Tunnel Tool and Farm Equipment Rental Program
You can improve your corner of the world –
by practicing good stewardship at home –
- Composting food scraps and lawn clippings in your backyard.
- Conserving green areas in your urban neighborhood.
- Implementing best management practices on your farm.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Learn how reducing, reusing, and recycling can help you, your community, and the environment by saving money, energy, and natural resources. Visit the website — Natural Resources Defence Council
Where We Are
Servicing the Northern top of the State, our office is located in the USDA Service Center on Mayberry Lane in Lancaster, NH.Located just off of Route 3, a wee bit north of the town, Mayberry Lane is about a half of a mile north of the Lancaster Fairgrounds.
USDA Service Center
4 Mayberry Lane
Lancaster, NH 03584
Telephone: 603-503-9014
Email: [email protected]