Forestry Workshop
**Forestry Workshop!! CEUs are offered!!**
Part 1: August 4 – The Landowner: Ownership & Objectives
Location: Robinson Family Farm at the end of Halls Stream in Pittsburg, 1:00-4:00pm
Part 2: August 11 – The Professional: Managing the Property
Location: Robinson Family Farm at the end of Halls Stream in Pittsburg, 1:00-4:00pm
Part 3: August 25 – Putting it All Together
Location: UNH Cooperative Extension Headquarters, 629 Main St, Lancaster 9:00am – 2:00pm
Information about the Sessions:
Part 1: The Landowner: Ownership Goals & Objectives
-At the woodlot, look at and discuss different goals and objectives for owning and caring for a property.
-Offer some basic options for management based on these goals and the process to get started.
-Take away some additional/new reasons for owning the property, and how to go about managing to meet these objectives.
-Registration is required. Call Ray Berthiaume, County Forester at 603-788-4961 ext 206 or email: [email protected]
Part 2: The Professional: Managing the Property
-At the woodlot, look at and discuss management options based on Goals & Objectives from Part 1.
-Discuss silvicultural prescriptions/practices based on these goals, considering soils, species, site, markets, etc.
-Offer and discuss on-the-ground practices, equipment, and technologies best suited to achieve the best possible results.
-Take away some additional/new options for managing forestland; additional/new programs available to assist; options for equipment and technologies available to conduct the management work.
-Registration is required. Call Ray Berthiaume, County Forester at 603-788-4961 ext 206 or email: [email protected]
Part 3: Putting it All Together
-At the meeting, landowners and professionals gather to discuss learnings from each field session.
-Results from the two field sessions will be presented and discussed.
-Presentations regarding soils and Dirt-Trees-Wildlife will be made.
-Presentations regarding optional programs available to provide technical or financial assistance for practices will be made.
-Time for one-to-one conversations/discussions between landowners and professionals, and Cooperative Extension Specialists.
-Coffee and donuts will be provided in the morning.
*Participants are asked to pack their own lunch!*
-Forester credits will be offered!
-Registration is required and will be handled by Coös County Conservation District, please email: [email protected] or call the District Manager to register: 603-503-9014
-Please register by Friday August 11th, for food prep purposes
-Fee for this session: $25.00
Date(s) - August 25, 2023
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Main Office
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