Toys for Kids
We are thrilled to donate conservation-based toys to the Coös County Toys for Kids Program located in Berlin for families and children in need of a special Christmas from “Santa.” This year we donated $500.00 worth of toys totaling 21 toys for children ages 6 months to 15 years old in hopes to inspire children’s interest in conservation with agriculture and forestry toys! Dave, the man in charge of the Toys for Kids program, also a fellow Marine, matched the District for another $125.00 for additional toys. Tractor Supply was also able to provide a $25.00 gift card to go towards the toys. We also heard that toys were stolen from the Pittsburg Fire Station and we brought up a car full of extra toys to donate to their Christmas for Kids program. They were able to serve 100 families this year!
We also donate additional spring and fall fundraiser plants, bulbs and seed potatoes to TapRoot in Lancaster NH. They plant these items in the community gardens and harvest to donate to the local food pantries.