Local Working Groups Meeting 2024

2024 LWG Key Take Aways:


  1. Need for all markets (small & large scale) and all stakeholders to collaborate & be proactive working together as a community to create a balance within our county for optimal natural resource & economic success


  • Highlight markets (farmers markets, timber, wildlife, tourist, recreation, fisheries, natural resources, farms, etc) and access if any gaps
  • District assists with facilitation of county-wide connections, SCC assist with state level
    • Attend meetings, host meetings and encourage public involvement and voice/discussions
  • Concern and need to also establish stronger county-state connections/collaboration across all agencies/organizations
    • Coos feels secluded majority of the time due to geographical distance from state offices
    • Establish stronger connections with county officials, state officials, regional officials, legislatures, representatives, senators, governor, etc


  1. Need for strong educational programs within the community and schools


  • Concern and care for our natural resources/economy, the north country way of life will only be preserved through engaging our younger generation as early in their years as possible and continue until they are off into college and into adulthood
    • Clarify pathways from K-12 to jobs (in Coos/out of Coos)
    • Partnership with White Mountain Community College & UNH, PSU?
        • How can we support WMCC Environmental Program, Vet program?
        • How support two-year degrees into four-year degrees within Coos County?
  • Opportunities for internships or field study, science classes in Coos
        • How can we support this more?
  • BHS has an internship specialist, what other connections for internships are there at the schools?
  • There are Environmental and Agriculture classes offered for White Mountain Regional HS and Pittsburg/Colebrook schools, what does BHS need for classes, as they do not offer these? Any others?
  • Any science/nature clubs? If not, how establish?
  • Berlin HS used to have a forestry two-year program offered, could that happen again? What would be the interest?
  • Community College offer forester certification? Pesticide certification? Wildlife biology program?
  • Host a Career Day/Job Fair
        • Central location- Lancaster Fairgrounds, invite all conservation, science-based agencies and organizations to attend or at the community college?
  • State Envirothon
        • Since 1991 only one school, White Mountains Regional HS participated in the Envirothon in 2021 (District assisted), otherwise bussing, travel distance, teacher availability, small amount of student interest, are all challenges faced for Coos school participation
  • Create a Coos specific Envirothon?
  • State level- Move the event to PSU, closer and equal distance for all schools within the state
  • State level- Create separate divisions based on school size/resources?
  • State level- Create a Coos specific position who works with all interested students/schools within the county to train and educate the students in person/zoom etc


  1. Need for additional positions/funding


  • Concern only one full-time staff person, how can that one person attend all these meetings and connect all these markets, stakeholders within the county and connect with the state level and still complete/create all job required tasks, programs, projects, grants, etc? Not realistic!
    • Need outreach specialists/education specialists
  • Need more butchers (local butchers are currently booked for almost two years in advance)
  • Need a large animal veterinarians
    • No current large animal vets in Coos & closest is 2-3 hours away, very costly
  • Need a local Land Trust, (Coos doesn’t have one), conserve our lands for future
  • Legislation/county officials/partners
    • Can they assist with funding for these positions? County, State, Federal, NRCS, UNH?



There are lots of key factors that come into play with the balance of our natural resources and supporting those who support our resources. There is a need for more conservation-based education starting as young as possible and continuing through adulthood. However, to achieve the balance and provide the educational opportunities, realistically there needs to be financial support/collaboration to create more positions to pursue the connection goals!

Event: Coos Land Conservation discussion

Event: Coos Land Conservation discussion

Coos Land Easements/Land Trust Discussion

What does conservation in Coos County mean to you? Are you interested in conserving land? If you believe it is important to conserve land in Coos then please mark your calendars for Saturday January 15th, 1:00pm – 2:30pm for a discussion on the importance of land conservation in Coos County. Location of this meeting is to be determined at this time. A zoom option will be offered as well. (Originally the target date for this meeting was November, however details are still being finalized. We appreciate your patience!)
Facilitators and members hosting this meeting include: The Coos County Conservation District, local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Conservation Fund, and Brendan Prusik (former UNH Cooperative Extension Coos Forester).
If you are a land owner in Coos and would like to attend the meeting or be kept in the loop of meeting discussions, please email the Coos County Conservation District Manager at: [email protected] or call and leave a message with your contact information at the Lancaster Office: 603-503-9014.
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!
Native Plant Nursery

Native Plant Nursery

Native Plant Nursery

The District’s Native Plant Nursery, is a continually growing project. Our native plants, once established, will be available to local, state and private agencies working on conservation, erosion control projects.

We need your help – We have started some plants, grasses, willows, etc. However, we are looking for input, which species work best for you, and what would you like to see available locally for these projects, please let us know. You can send an email to [email protected]

We have been able to create the Nursery with financial support from the ​​​NH State Conservation Committee / Moose Plate Grant Fund.